Saturday, June 25, 2011

the dregs

Puzzle pieces, screws, pieces of broken toys, thumbtacks, broken crayons, missing buttons, the part to that game you already boxed, the ends of Otter Pop wrappers, marbles, one earring, pen caps, pennies, broken sidewalk chalk, Polly Pocket shoes, a receipt, a sock, brads, a different sock, old binkies, gum wrappers, tissues that went through the wash and are now a linty ball, pony beads, paperclips, toothpicks, pony tail holders, Band Aid wrappers, expired coupons, dusty cough drops, mysterious keys, rubber bands, golf pencils, staple refills, a bouncy ball, a scrap of paper with a phone number, bobby pins, BBs for a BB gun, candy wrappers...

I am down to the dregs. They are in couch cushions, closets, junk drawers, under beds and dressers, the car, by the washing machine in the garage. Everywhere. And they are the kinds of things that take forever to find, sort and deal with. More moving fun!


  1. I can't believe you're already down to the nitty gritty extras! Good for you! I can't believe the moving day is coming so soon, we're really going to miss you guys...
