Monday, June 13, 2011

Plane tips?

I've been trying to collect tips for flying with small children. I found a great post on Simple Mom. Almost as helpful as the actual post were all the reader comments. So my plan of attack is this:

My biggest thing was buying Edward his own seat even though he is under 2 and doesn't technically need one. And we are bringing his car seat in the cabin and hoping he will sleep the flight away. (We actually aren't sure about bringing Ev's car seat. It would just be one more thing to wrestle at the airport and during our stay in Holland. From what I understand, Bahrain doesn't have car seat laws- but we could buy her one there. While I love car seats and think they are important, she is almost eight, so I don't know.)
At the airport:

* I bought a new purse on sale at Freddy's that has the perfect size outside pouches for handling our itineraries and passports- I have actually practiced whipping them out! (A new purse is about a year overdue- when gross flower water spilled all over mine and there was no washing out the stench I was finally motivated to purchase one.)

* Make sure Ev can easily take on and off her own shoes for security. Have her handle her own carry-ons- a rolling suitcase and backpack. (She has gone through two backpacks this year- I need to find something more sturdy!)

* See if there are family security lines and priority family check-in or an airline meet & assist program.

* Use packing cubes or Ziplocs so if our luggage does get opened up for a look-see, underwear and baby socks won't go flying!

* The Chicco Capri Lightweight Stroller- comes with a bag so it can be checked under the plane and not be all gross. Supposed to be great for travel. Seems like a great combination of small umbrella stroller meets ruggedness and storage space of larger models. My umbrella stroller is breaking- so I am hoping to purchase this.

*Get a leash backpack and once we are through security let them burn off their energy until it is time to board.

On the plane:

* Distribute earplugs to the other passengers and say "hope you don't need them, but just in case..." with a cute smile.

*Buy headphones that will fit the kids for the DVD player, etc.

* Have an extra set of clothes for everyone in a Ziploc baggie in case of puke, leaks, spills, etc.

* PJs that look like clothes for the kiddos- (Edward no problem- Ev?)

* Comfy but dressy for the adults- wearing our bulkiest shoes! (I guess you get treated better flying internationally if you look nice- so yoga pants are a no-go as comfy as they are!)

* Tylenol for all just in case.

* Set up a trash sack right away.

* Have little surprises up my sleeve, like these Lego Minifigures. You don't know which one you'll get until you open it up!

*Other toys? Matchbox cars, WikiSticks, finger puppets, paper and washable markers for Ev, stickers for both, small dinos or animals for Teddy.

*Wipes, wipes, wipes! (or wet washcloth in a Ziploc)

* Snacks: Craisins, Goldfish, yogurt covered raisins, Cheerios, animal crackers, gum, Dum Dums, Chinese cracker mix, beef jerky, yogurt melts, HandiSnacks, apples, and some chocolate for mom!

*Water bottles- which I will fill once past security. Edward is in love with his shark Camelback water bottle.

* Have Ev's hair tied back to avoid a post-flight rats nest.

* Go to the bathroom when we see them starting to get the food or beverage carts ready, before we get blocked in.

I am hoping for the best and preparing for the worst!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you’ve been doing your research. From my travel experiences (albeit NOT with children) here are a few nuggets from my travel experiences.
    - Great idea buying a purse that has an easy access pocket for boarding passes and such. Hopefully the pocket closes… you don’t want your important documents to dump out while your purse is being tossed around under your seat during the flight.
    - When I pack my suitcase for travel I like to uses the vacuum sealing bags that you roll the air out of. They do precisely what you referred to with the Ziploc’s except they fit more stuff and do a better job of getting out excess air. You can purchase them just about anywhere. I like to use them in my carryon for extra clothes as well.
    - I like to carry comfortable sleeping clothes for the plane (like yoga pants and a t-shirt) along with two extra shirts/underwear in my carry on, just in case luggage doesn’t make it at the same time I do and I can change into fresh clothes just before landing. Maybe you could just use stretch pants and a comfortable cotton t-shirt for Evelyn’s sleeping clothes on the plane (don’t forget socks).
    - Good idea to bring the water bottles but just to forewarn you… sometimes, especially on international flights, they make you get rid of water at the gate as well :o(
    - Evelyn might like to have some starburst or bubble gum as a treat for take-offs and landings as a treat and to help with ear pressure.
    - Good call on buying Edward his own seat for a flight that long
    - Personally if it were me I think I’d leave behind Ev’s car seat
    - Have you considered some sort of sleep-aid meds for your children?
