Monday, June 20, 2011


I've been looking at my clothes coming to the sad realization that while I have plenty to fill my closet, I don't really like most of them. Not enough to schlep them halfway around the world.

This is a chance to reinvent myself, so why hold on to shirts I've had since college or those two pairs of jeans I bought at Old Navy? (With kids in tow, never tried on and never fit right but was too cheap to get rid of.) But what to take?

I love this post on Small Notebook that talks about having a small wardrobe- fewer clothes but better clothes. The point that really resonated with me is that casual clothes are often too casual and not cute. So true. I just don't feel as good about myself in my t-shirt, casual capris and flips and I do in a more fitted tee, nicer capris, and nicer sandals with jewelry.

She also has a "Rule of Three" that states if you are wearing a top and bottom, you will always look more put together with a jacket or cardigan. This wasn't something I'd ever really heard, but makes total sense to me now.

In the heat, scarfs are the answer to three piece dressing. Here is a fun site of about different ways to wear or tie a scarf- which I plan on studying. Someone at my mom's church gave her a bunch of scarfs to give to me, figuring we'd need them to cover our heads. So I have scarves to work with.

I think jewelry can also work for the rule of three. A chunky pendant necklace or string of pearls serves the same function- makes the outfit look more complete. Hip 2 Save had a great post about this and about frugal fashion.

I was also inspired by this post on Redbook, (not a site I typically read or recommend- was sent to the post a different route!) , but it showed how if you have the basics everyone typically has in their closets, (black dress, black pants, khakis, blouse, button up shirt, strappy heels, dress, white tee, black pumps, jeans, cardigan, bright tee, and flat sandals), and just add a few more carefully chosen pieces, you can end up with over 50 outfits. I didn't like all of it, but it sure gave me some ideas about how I can make my own closet work smarter and harder.

I've already done the first two wardrobe purges, but this time I am going to be brutal. I am hoping once I get my closet really weeded down, like to one suitcase, of stuff I love and fits well, then I can reward myself by shopping for those few extra things I really do need. Like a new pair of sandals that aren't dollar flip flops.

1 comment:

  1. aw...all I ever wear is a tee shirt and jeans with flip flops...I'm so not put together, but I don't think I ever will be. I'm just too lazy. Good luck! I think you always look nicer than me. But yeah, no cardigans and sweaters. Ick. hot.
