Sunday, May 22, 2011

so long...

Evelyn's bike got taken out of our front yard sometime on Thursday. There have been a couple of these kind of things lately that make me think maybe this town is ready for me to go.

Then I have a nice moment, like talking to someone at church I haven't been able to chat with in a while, running into someone at the grocery store or eating a Zack's cheeseburger or a taco al pastor at Tacos Mi Pueblo that make me think I will miss it more than I can imagine.

I was always nagging her about her bike- but the tough thing was the whole neighborhood would come over and ride it and leave it in various locations in our yard. I guess I just didn't nag hard enough that day! Maybe it is a good lesson for her in taking care of your stuff. "My bike got jacked?" she said. (Her speech is getting so slangy- I am hoping a move might change that!) Roger said one less thing to pack, but I am sad because she rode it all the time. I don't know if it is even worth reporting to the police. We had a friend here whose bike was stolen and a few days later he found it abandoned at the park- so maybe I will just keep an eye out!


  1. Oh that stinks, but yeah, no better way to teach her to put away her stuff I suppose. Keyton always wants to "park" his bike out front but we won't let him for that very reason.

  2. i love her slang. lol. Our bike got stolen too- Its SO frustrating!! Hopefully lesson learned though, right? And yes, to be positive, one less thing to pack :) Sorry though
