Friday, May 20, 2011

It's official!

We booked our non-refundable, one-way tickets last night. We are leaving Portland on August 7 and flying to Amsterdam, where we will spend four days before flying to Bahrain- arriving on August 12. We tried to book online- which would have been pretty quick and painless, but because Edward isn't two yet, it kept saying we couldn't buy him a seat. So we had to call and book through an agent at a call center in India. It was painstaking and nerve-wracking- "yes- N-as in Nancy, E, Y-as in yo-yo...", dates of births, "no, Evelyn is a girl...", "that flight is no longer available? but it is still on your site?", "Rog- can we go on KLM that morning instead? It is the same connection in Munich..."", but an hour and a half later, we were done.

I couldn't sleep last night thinking "Wow- this is really happening. What are we doing?!"

Ready or not, here we go!


  1. Hi Guys! I love your blog. J and I checked it out last night. He says you definitely want to see the Anne Frank house in Holland. I can't remember what else he said though. I'm so excited for you. I guess I'll get to see some places of the world vicariously through you. Your kids are adorable too and getting so grown up! I have a friend who lived in Saudi Arabia until 6th grade and she said you'll have a great time and that she loved it. She's also jealous. As far as what to pack, she didn't have much advice because she was so young, she couldn't really remember. I could try to get ahold of her Mom's contact info for you if you want.

    What a whirlwind...take a deep breath! Or two or three.

  2. I was pretty surprised when I read your blog yesterday. Your kids look so grown up, but that was not the biggest surprise. Good luck getting this all figured out! It sounds like you are doing great, and I know you will continue to do great. What an adventure for your family.
