Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Guess who...

Guess who is left-handed? Yet further proof that we each have a mini-me! We are headed to Music Makers today- Edward loves singing time. I turned in his nursery school application the other day- it was a big decision. He doesn't start until after he turns three and is potty trained, but it is five days a week from 8 to 12:30 p.m. So many days- for so long! I am used to preschool being for three days a week for two hours. I thought about keeping him home with me for another year, and still might if he isn't ready. But I talked to admissions and they have a lot of late summer / fall birthdays next year, so he will fit in. It is a really great Reggio Emilia program, where they get to do what they are interested in. Lots of music, movement, crafts, play time. A wonderful teacher. And maybe he'd rather be finger painting and riding trikes on the playground than home helping me switch the laundry and doing the grocery shopping?
Evelyn's creative writing continues to crack me up. Her latest offering was a thinly veiled mash-up rip-off of two Backyardigans episodes and Mr. Popper's Penguins. But she added depth to her characters by making one like Chinese food, one like Arabic food and one like Dutch food. Hmmm. They got a note telling them to climb Mount Everest, but couldn't make up their minds. It would be cold so they didn't want to. But they did and when they got to the top their was a box with six penguins inside and a note saying they were the girls' new pets. Then they all sled down the mountain!
This whole week has been strange weather- sand storms and overcast. It rained- well sprinkled- yesterday- and all it really managed is to knock some of the dust out of the air- it didn't get things all that wet. I am regretting ever complaining about how dusty Quincy was- because I have it in spades now!

1 comment:

  1. Allen keeps hoping one of the kids will be left handed like him, but no luck yet! So that "nursery" school will be like half-day kindergartens. Wow. Wish there was one here to send Cassidy to! :)
