Monday, December 12, 2011

My beautiful boy

I snapped this on the porch the other day. Edward is so full of personality lately. He says "Emm-Inn" for Evelyn. He loves swinging- he just chills out while you are pushing him. He could do it for hours and hours. He loves eating pizza and noodles. He loves opening his advent calendar in the morning and getting "chalk-it" He adores the plush snowman wreath we have hanging on our door and always wants to play with it. He insists on wearing his "sweater" every day- one of his two sweatshirts. He is now starting to sing and dance to his favorite songs. Captain Feathersword on the Wiggles can scare him, as can Diesel on Thomas and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. He is also suddenly scared of sleeping alone in his room, so good thing Evelyn already moved in there, but goodbye naps. He is still snuggly once in a while- he loves to cuddle in my bed and read books. He loves going to school to see daddy and pick up Evelyn. He loves to play "break it" with her legos- his name not mine- where he takes her creations apart. He likes to get her Ken doll and beat him up making all kinds of sound effects. He knows how to switch the computer off and will come hit the power button when he wants attention. He loves to water my garden and himself. It is a bit harsh on the squash seedlings- afraid they didn't make it! He took my car keys the other day to start up his Little Tykes car. He loves stickers and to color. Roger and I got asked to me in a Nativity as Joseph and Mary and Edward came up- jealous of my fake wrapped cloth baby. So I tossed it to Roger to cuddle my own small miracle- until he was lured away with a candy cane so he wouldn't spoil the effect any more! It was the highlight of that Christmas party! He loves his trains, cars and play kitchen. He is helpful- singing "clean up, clean up" to pick up the toys and putting extra shopping in my cart at the grocery store. While I am fixing dinner- he squirms in between me and the stovetop- using his massive head to push me away from fixing the dinner because he wants held. When Evelyn is busy with her homework, he wants to scribble along. He is a cutie. And I am so glad he is mine.