Thursday, December 1, 2011

Characters at the mall

The Seef Mall had this Toon Town Character weekend. I was curious so we went. They had Dora, Spongebob, Spiderman, Pooh, Belle, Snow White, Barney, Laa-Laa the yellow Teletubby, and this weird cartoon lady with a yellow face covering- from a cartoon from the UAE called the Freej grannies? Here is her animated:
Edward liked the characters, but was a little unsure- he was trying to figure them out- are they real? We got to share an elevator with Spongebob, so Evelyn was pretty happy even though "Princesses are a tiny bit babyish." Oh, it makes me so sad to hear that, my big eight year old!

1 comment:

  1. wow, what a fun mall. still trying to figure out who that third one is though...
