Wednesday, July 20, 2011

settling in

Best part of living in my parents basement? Eating my fill of fresh raspberries from their garden. Worst part? Four of us sleeping in one room. Well, Edward is actually in a large closet, but you get the idea. We are trying to fix Evelyn up with a little space of her own, but she is scared of the basement and moving has made her a little anxious so she wants to sleep right by us.

It is fun to be back in Portland. I feel like a hick from the sticks when I go to the mall and wonder at all the people and stuff you can buy. I had a close call at the Disney Store the other day. "Cars" is one of Edwards very favorite words, and as my dad said, "He isn't saying 'cars', he is saying 'Cars- Disney copyright'!" He had somehow got his hand inside a sealed clamshell plastic package and was trying to remove a car, when Roger came upon me trying to wrestle him back into the stroller. Know what I don't get? Mall punks. Malls aren't very punk rock. I totally get Cinnabon- but have not yet given in.

I love Powells- it is a bookstore they have here. They call it a City of Books. You can buy new and used- which is nice. I got a few plane paperbacks. I love the smell of books.

I am even appreciating the cold yucky summer rain, because I won't have it in Bahrain. I am also trying to soak in as much green as I can. And reveling in my socks and sweaters in July. Won't get to wear those again soon. And I love sweaters!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky,

    I'm glad to hear you are getting settled in. Our boys all wanted to sleep together when we moved, and M followed me around the house scared of every noise for 6 months afterward. If you get a chance pick up the book Keeping Corner by Kashmira Sheth, I think you would really like it. I posted a few books on my blog- your kids would really like My Cat the Silliest Cat in the World. Just some ideas for your travel! I love your blog!
