Thursday, February 28, 2013

apple pie

So what do you do when you wake up at 6 a.m. and realize you left the flour thickening agent out of the two beautiful apple pies that you made at midnight for the school's international day celebration that will be starting in two hours?
(The reason I forgot the flour is because when I was getting it out, the weight shifted in that huge plastic sack of sugar I put on the edge of the counter, spilling all of its contents on my newly swept floor.) When I picked up the pies that morning, they sloshed around beneath the top crust. Watery messes!
Even though Roger said it was a bad idea likely to end in disaster, I carefully cut and removed the top crusts off (in tact! yay!), poured the watery apple filling into a pan, added the flour and some extra cornstarch for good measure, headed it up until bubbly, poured in back in the pie, carefully put the crust back on, and served those puppies up to adoring masses. They were fabulous! So glad I could salvage them. But I didn't take any pictures of the day- too busy wrangling Edward.
After, Evelyn had four friends over, plus two nannies and the kids from next door. So glad we could be the fun house for a weekend, but it was a little exhausting! Time to head to bed!

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