Monday, January 30, 2012

Sorry its been so long...

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. The month of January was crazy. Roger's dad passed away and Roger flew home for several days to attend the funeral. We wished we could have gone with him to show our love and support. We are so thankful things went smoothly and that he is safely is back now. What great family and friends we have to rally around us during the tough times!

Roger got caught back up on school and sleep. He still has his cough, but is getting better. I am so thankful to have him back. I can't imagine how military wives do it. I was talking to a friend who has a preschooler, one year old and is pregnant, and she is here and her husband is deployed. She is made out of much stronger stuff than me.

I am spring cleaning- amazing that we have clutter already when I feel like we brought so little. I am also tackling my bare walls with two DIY art projects- I'll post when completed. I've also been busy with my calling in YW- it is a lot of fun.

Evelyn is loving her mask-making and cook with a good book after-school activities. She was so helpful while Roger was gone. She has been washing the dishes lately and is eager to earn money- for what I'm not sure. She loves making origami creations and drawing in her fashion design sketch pad. She loves playing with her friends and reading the "Series of Unfortunate Events" with me before bed. It is so sweet to watch her reads stories to Edward.

Edward has grown a ton! He got bigger in the few days Roger was gone. He would tell me, "Get daddy!" and point to the school during dinner and bed time, until he learned, "Daddy 'puter. Doooot, doooot," which is the Skype calling sound. (I am so thankful for modern technology- it makes the world so much smaller when you are far from home.) He is using more full sentences like "Mom, I want a bottle of milk!" (Which makes me think maybe it is time for no more bottles of milk!) He loves his new Thomas jammies and Cars light up shoes- in which he does the cutest dance run.

The oil well across the street is done now and fully operational. I am so thankful- that was a bad two weeks when they were drilling during the night. Edward's window isn't fit in properly, so the kids couldn't sleep for all the noise. It sounded like a fleet of semis parked right under your windows, that rattling hum of their idling. With occasional honks and beeps. And a sound like a large bundle of pipes being dropped from a great height. All night long. I am very sad we aren't getting a park instead- but at least it is over and done with! Can't say anything about it as I drive a car.

1 comment:

  1. wow, lots happening. i also haven't posted in a month. whoops. spring cleaning already? yeah, i'm not getting much cleaning done, but we've already started a few yard sale boxes for once it's warm. it'll be sad not having you and emily here to sell with me. :(
