Saturday, November 12, 2011

sites of Riffa

Up top is the abaya store in downtown Riffa, but who knows what is with all the Xs! And this Family Train 200 Fils and More Store is like a dollar store. What a great find! It is full of all of the cheapest (price and quality!) goods imaginable. Perfect for Christmas stockings. Wind up fishing game and modeling clay for Ev, plastic cars for Edward, kitchen accessories for me and plastic army men for Roger.
We did buy a fake tree- a small one- for $25- just taller than Ev- and are planning some ornament crafting sessions. We have two ceramic Delft birds I bought in Holland, but Edward is 2 and those might wait. We also have a bunch of small wooden shoes I think can go up, three Jasmis wooden animal keychains that will look cute, and a camel and Arabic couple ornaments I bought at the local craft fair. A string of lights, a little origami magic, and we'll be golden!

1 comment:

  1. I just thought the top store was for extremely large people!
