Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Netflix Queue

A friend of mine was asking me for recommendations because their Netflix queue was getting a little low. It made me think back through my own personal Netflix greatest hits. Some of these are movies or shows I would have never seen if they hadn't been suggested or I ran out of other stuff in my queue and these "why not?"s I had added came instead.

500 Days of Summer - a romantic non-romance- so funny and true
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - a fun teen comic book movie
The Madness of King George - interesting period piece
The Emperor's New Clothes (2002) - so what if Napoleon really didn't die but no one believed he was Napoleon?
Creation - the story of Darwin- really good
Bright Star - romantic period piece
The Young Victoria - I love period pieces!
Shaun the Sheep - cute, calm, clever claymation
Samurai Jack - great visuals
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - I love cartoons too!
Avatar: The Last Airbender (the series not movie) - really well written - a great kids show for the whole family
MI5 ~ Hunky Brittish spies dealing with geopolitical crises in modern day London
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day ~ a fun rom com
Penelope ~ cute modern fairy tale
No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency ~loved the books- the show is excellent too

Biggest misses: Tideland- (had to shut it off right away- so disturbing and bad) - and The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus- (made it all the way through but wanted those 122 minutes of my life back to do anything else). Turns out I don't really like Terry Gilliam.

What are your favorite finds? My queue is getting low again. If I don't add something quick, zombie flicks are going to start showing up!


  1. Don't judge me, but I've been mildly entertained by the series Greek, though its been a little soap opera'e for me, I still find it amusing. I love Lark Rise to Candleford and North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell, not the civil war movie!

  2. I'll have to try Greek. Soap oprah isn't bad. True confession time- I used to watch the OC...
    I have North and South! I love it as much as P&P I think. So romantic! Anytime you want to borrow. Wives and Daughters is another Elizabeth Gaskell turned BBC drama- have you seen it? It was good, but not as wonderful.
    I've seen Larkrise once or twice long ago on PBS- I need to catch it in order- thanks for the suggestion!
