Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A few days ago, we caught the mouse. E1 discovered it and shrieked. Luckily, R was there to dispose of it.

A week earlier, I had run to the hardware store one minute before closing with a sick baby- looking totally frazzled and said, "I know you are closing but I just need some mouse traps really fast!" I was desperate to increase my already impressive arsenal because that stupid mouse would NOT be trapped!

The high school kids were building mousetrap cars and had pretty much wiped them out- the helpful employee explained. He was able to find me a kit with more snap traps and glue traps (and that worthless, blue-goo bait stuff!). I threw in several boxes of poison for good measure. Armed with another $25 of deadly, mousy weapons, I went home sure triumph was around the corner.

It was another few days before finally he took the bait. E2 manages to sneakily stash mouse-snacks faster than I can discover them. But we got there at last.

Back to the hardware store yesterday for drain cleaner. The same employee was there and asked "Did you catch your mouse?"

"YES!" said E1, waving her hands wildly in excitement. "I found it! It's eyes were squished out of it's head, POPPING OUT! It's head was almost snapped all-the-way-off!"

"It was pretty gross..." I mumbled- as I handed him my money- several other customers staring at us.

"I screamed!" E1 said proudly. "So did my mom."

Ah- victory!

1 comment:

  1. Ewww, gross and up close, eh? Well, I'm glad you caught the little bugger. I've been finding more and more mouse poop close to the house out in our garage. On top of tall shelves and stacked boxes... it's a little unnerving and annoying.
