Thursday, September 15, 2011


Edward has been two-ish since we've gotten here. He has cut holes in two of his shirts with Evelyn's school scissors and throws his toys in the garbage (didn't catch his new Lightning McQueen in time- RIP). He pitches fits in the store if he can't hold a treat and won't stay in the cart, he thinks he needs to be carried or walking around grabbing stuff of the shelves. Two days ago he gave Evelyn a bloody nose and a bloody lip by meanly head-butting her unprovoked. He hits and pushes and grabs at us. Last night he was in and out of our bed ten times even with two bottles, his puppy pillow pet and some Tylenol. (Just another bad night in a series of bad nights!)He doesn't want to eat anything- since I don't have Goldfish and fruit snacks here- he just wants to drink bottles and throw food on the floor. Unless its candy. He no longer goes to nursery without us.

After a hour of trying unsuccessfully to put him down for a nap, I carried him downstairs while he was forcing his grubby hand in my mouth. Sure enough, the Alpha-Bits he had dumped on the floor that morning with the juice box of OJ sprinkled on top for good measure were still there. I set him down and he started banging the laptop trying to get it to play the Wiggles. Looking at our full sink and filthy floors, for the briefest of seconds my sleep-deprived brain was thinking maybe I should have tried to get a para-pro job at the school and hired a nanny / maid.

He came up and said "Mama! Kiss!" and gave me a kiss. Then he said "Prayers?" then folded his arms "Mumble, mumble, Jesus, Men!"

So glad to be home with him!


  1. Aw, not sure what to say about that. I don't understand what's with these little ones and headbutting people for no reason! We've got that and hitting and biting all the time now and I can't figure out where it came from! I just never thought quiet little Edward could ever be like this little monster of mine. Sorry! At least he tried to fix it a little. :)

  2. He simply is frustrated; got yanked out of his familiar environment, his friends (and non friends) in primary, his home, his cat, and does not understand yet what it is all about. So his mind totters between love for his immediate family and resentment of losing what he had before. No worry, he will grow out of it in short time, and be the lovable boy he still is inside. I KNOW, I was a foster child for 7 years in my youth, had the best foster parents one could wish for, but at start was a complete whiny little brat of three.
    Becky and Roger , Patience ! no matter how hard it is at the moment.
    Old Me.
