To pack or not to pack...that is my
dilemma. We are getting a shipping allowance and relocation allowance from the international school Roger is teaching at. We are going to be in a furnished three bedroom townhouse. And they are providing some things, but not others. We've tried to talk to other people over there to see what they do. Some ship everything over, some ship a little, some come with just their luggage and buy stuff there. They said it was really up to us which approach we take.
At first I was up for shipping all we could use, but now I think we should leave most of it behind. What do we have that is so nice that we really want to ship it all the way across the world? Plus I am hoping the shipping and relocation money could cover some of the stuff. And what better time to simplify my life? I think there is a pretty good chance we'd find some good second-hand household goods from all the expats that come and go. We were told toys and electronics are really expensive so bring those for sure. I'm thinking now to try to cram it all into our luggage and maybe ship another two boxes or so, then buy the rest there.
In my handy housing handbook it says the following are provided by the school that can be kept: pillows, dish towels, toilet brush, towel (one for the family or per person?), wash clothes, dust cloths, king sheet set, twin sheet sets. Check- but I am thinking I should bring/get a second set of sheets and mattress protectors. Because what better time to switch Edward from a crib to a twin bed?!?
The following are stuff the school will loan you until your shipment of stuff arrives: comforter/ duvet, dishes, table knife, fork, spoon, glasses, cutting knife, pot / pan, skillet, mixing bowl, kitchen tools, can opener, cutting board, trash can, baby cot (if required), water pitcher, salt and pepper shaker, toaster, iron, ironing board, drying rack, plastic bucket, mop, broom, dust pan and brush, alarm clock, electrical adapter and power strip. Our kitchen appliances like the
Cuisinart and
KitchenAid wouldn't work anyway (tears). My dishes and kitchen stuff are nothing special, but my pots and pans are really nice. I might bring those. The rest I am hoping we can pick up used. Maybe I'll stuff extra
crannies in our luggage with can openers and wooden spoons!
There is this handy message board for new teachers and a few of us wondered when one of the old teachers listed a fridge for sale for $150
Bahrani dinars, or $400 American.
Don't the houses come with a fridge? we wondered. Yes- but only a small dorm style affair- so many teachers buy larger ones. I said "Let's buy that used fridge now!" Roger said "But we could just shop every few days." I think he underestimates those years of Mormon food storage mentality firmly ingrained in my mind.
Speaking of which- I am having the hardest time not stocking up when I grocery shop! And I can't seem to eat down the food storage fast enough. We pretty much have to eat chili, tuna, powdered milk, pinto beans, oatmeal, noodles and canned cheese until we leave. With a liberal helping of condiments in our fridge! But none of us wants to. Which is why I double coupon at
Albertsons for cookies and crackers and we eat that instead!
Any tips on food storage meals? Any advice on what you would bring?